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A Opossums Journey

This little boy was found as a baby after being attacked by a dog and was nursed back to health by his finders. Once the opossum was healed and had grown considerably the finders decided it was best to find him a wildlife rehabilitator to get him back out into the wild where he belongs.

They contacted me and I welcomed him in. Since he had spent so much time with his finders, he didn't know how to behave like a opossum and he would not have survived if he was released at that point.

After a few weeks of transitioning his onto a healthier more natural diet and acclimating him to climbing and ability to get around quickly. He was moved outside into a pre-release area to acclimate to the sights, sounds and smells of outdoors. He is doing great!

A week after moving him outside the weather turned bad and we got a bad snowstorm and brought him back inside. He will likely stay with us thru the winter and be released come spring.


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