Wildlife Info
Note: We do not accept deer raccoons or birds.
Dr. Dolittle's House takes wild animals that have become injured or orphaned and rehabilitates them for release back into the wild.
However, for the safety of the animal and courtesy for the staff, animal drop-offs are by appointment only.
Pease call 440-661-2696 before you drop off an animal for more information.
What should you do if you have an orphaned or injured animal?
Note: We do not accept raccoons or birds.
If it is safe to do so, place the animal in a box in a dark quiet place and place a heating pad set on low under HALF of the box. This allows the animal a place to get off the heat.
Avoid excessive handling.
Do not attempt to feed the animal.
Visit https://ohiodnr.gov/discover-and-learn/safety-conservation/about-ODNR/wildlife/orphaned-injured for more information about injured or orphaned animals by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.
Contact your local wildlife rehabilitator and tell them what type of animal you have found and the condition the animal is in, and they will instruct you on what to do next.
See below for a PDF of registered Ohio Wildlife Rehabilitators and their phone numbers: