This week we had two litters of fox squirrels brought into the wildlife center. One of the litters, a little 8week girl and boy, where brought in after their mom was hit by a car, the babies had left their nest, desperate and hungry, and started chasing somebodies' dog around the yard in search of food!
The other litter we got in was a single baby about 5-6 weeks old, brought in after its mom was hit by a car. Sadly, we see this a lot. Squirrels aren't the brightest when it comes to playing chicken with automobiles, they rarely win that stand off unfortunately. But, thankfully for these little babies somebody was there to find them and bring them to Dr. Dolittle's House Wildlife Rehab Center so they could have the best chance at survival.
Thank you to everyone who plays a role in saving wildlife! Your quick action saves lives!